
Why You Should Choose Data Science Certification Course? What is the scope ?

Data Science Certification Course

Being a Data scientist is a trending and the hottest career option of the decade. There is a massive demand for data scientists, and the number is said to be increasing every day. It means the scope of data science as a career option is high and also will assist the same in the future.

What is Data Science?

Data science is a consolidation of programming, mathematics, design, and statistics applied to control the digital data collection. The three critical components implicated in action in data science includes packaging, organizing, and data delivery. Overall, it is considered to be a blend of multidisciplinary algorithm development, interface, and technology to solve any complex problems analytically.

Who is a Data Scientist?

Data Scientist is the person who performs data science experiments. A data scientist analyzes data by performing research and helps organizations flourish by predicting trends, growths, business insights and more depending on the substantial number of data.

Data scientists are also called as big data wranglers as they take this large number of data and make use of their skills in programming, statistics, and mathematics to organize and clean the data. Analyzing along with the knowledge in industries helps to face different business challenges and uncover the hidden solutions.

Why should you choose Data Science Certification Course?

According to the IBM Survey, the number of data science and analytics job listing will grow nearly by 364,000 listings to almost 2,720,000 by 2020. Economic Times has stated that the 2018 index shows that there are more than 1.5 million jobs spread across two years with the 5,00,00 + students in data science.

Here are some reasons to why you should choose Data Science as your career.

Demand for Data Scientists:

In the coming years, it’s expected that the data analytics market size will increase to one-third of the world’s Software technology market from the present tenths. All the enterprises whether small or big are in search of the people who have a deep understanding of the data synthesization and communicate them for the company benefits, also help organizations to make smart decisions.

Salary and Career Growth:

Data scientists are less in numbers, and there is a need from freshers to manager level data science employees in all the organizations at present. In this case, choosing to study data science certification course will be the best option to overcome any negatives occurring in your career stagnation.

Annual salary and hikes for data science professionals are high when compared to other IT experts. The salary trends for the data science analyst across the globe is increasing, and this indicates an exponential and positive growth.

>Work Options:

If you are ready to move your career as a data scientist, then you can work practically in any domain from anywhere across the globe. Data science professionals can also jump to other areas and industries ranging from pharma, sales, marketing, healthcare, financial services, consulting and more efficiently. Apart from that, they can also work for NGO’s and the Government.

Experience Factor:

As data science is a new field you need not have any experience in joining an organization and the level of competition is also less when compared to other domains. A recent industry report states that 40% of the data science professional does not even have five years of experience in the field and 69% have less than ten years of experience.

Ease of Job Hunting:

The lack of competition is also less along with a shortage of data scientists. Data science professionals are in demand as there are only fewer people who shift to this industry so it must be the best option for you to move your career path successfully.

Distinctive Training Options:

When considering data science training, there are different modes of training options available like self-paced video-based training, online, classroom, MOOCs for data science and more.

If you are in search of a full-fledged Data Science Certification course, then you can try choosing data scientist postgraduate as well as the master program.

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